The website of nesma has been revamped!
Personally I find the new website a great improvement. First, the website is now in English. Second, seems to be less function point centered, and more geared toward sizing methods in general.
A new website means a new layout, a new menu structure, and new content.
The menu is pretty clear, at least to me. Unusual is to have 'About Nesma' as the second menu option.
One section which I found very useful was the download section. The good news is that the section is still there. The bad news is that I could no longer find any documents on function points available for free download. Those on Cosmic points are still free - not very surprising, as those on the cosmic website are also free.
One useful new section is a comparison between several sizing methods. Methods included are FPA, Cosmic, McGabe, story points, lines of code, and Use Case points. A pitty they left out planning poker, or perhaps that is what they mean with story points.